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Guest Soloist

Miriam Kramer

"I greatly enjoyed playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with the Salford Symphony in March 2006.

They are an enthusiastic group of musicians who are committed to what they do.  Their dedication and hard work are evident in the projects they take on.

I salute them and wish them to go from strength to strength".


Born in Connecticut, though now living in London, violinist, Miriam Kramer won the United Kingdom's Jewish Performer of the Year 1995. Her grandfather was a Cantor and two of her uncles were concert violinists. Coupling these musical genes with the encouragement of violinist, Henryk Szeryng, who straightaway recognized her talent, she began her studies at the age of four. Three years later, she gave her first public performance of the Mozart G. Major Concerto.




“Kramer's performance could hardly be more heartfelt. Scanning the catalogue for rivals, her musicianship is irresistible” Robert Cowan Gramophone June 2000

THE NEW YORK TIMES said that Miriam was, “a gifted young violinist who proved a soulful performer showing flair and temperament, fine sensitivity and warmth.”

A culminating point in the career of the brilliant young American violinist, Miriam Kramer, was at the Alice Tully Hall in New York’s Lincoln Center where she recently gave her debut recital. A rapturous review from THE NEW YORK TIMES said that Miriam was, “a gifted young violinist who proved a soulful performer showing flair and temperament, fine sensitivity and warmth.”

Miriam’s debut recital at London’s prestigious Wigmore Hall drew further praise from the critics. STRAD magazine stated, “the intensity and rich allure of Kramer’s performance was nothing short of spellbinding.” A re-engagement with great success followed.

"...strong, passionate performances" Stephen Johnson, BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE, May 2000 FIVE STARS



Miriam has broadcasted with the BBC Concert Orchestra as soloist in the Beethoven Triple Concerto, on Classic FM, Radio 3, Radio Prague, Paris Radio Classique, and on BBC-TV. Miriam’s debut recording HEBREW MELODY drew praise from Henry Roth – “a violinist of superior talent, an exceptionally sensitive interpreter, and a phrase maker of uncommon expressivity.”

Her latest Naxos recording, THE VIOLIN MUSIC OF ERNEST BLOCH, won 5 stars in BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE and Editor’s Choice in GRAMOPHONE.

"...expressive and sensitive" Erik Levi, BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE, August 1997

"Her interpretation is imaginative, yet sensitive, her technical command quite exceptional" Henryk Szeryng