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Salford Symphony features in the BBC's FA Cup Final promo

The orchestra can now reveal a closely guarded secret! On the 26th April 2018 Salford Symphony recorded two promotional videos at the old Granada Studios, along with Music Students from the University of Salford and the Royal Northern College of Music.  These videos were recorded to promote the upcoming FA Cup Final on the BBC. Two videos were filmed, one which was 30 seconds long and the other 90 seconds long. It was a great experience and provided a real insight into how much effort is involved to produce a few seconds worth of television. The experience lasted all day, involving makeup and a rather nice lunch with the location catering van. On the 18th April the Orchestra also went to the Production Company, Chief, for a rehearsal and sound check. Click on the image above for the 90 second clip and click on the image below for the 30 second clip.