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Ruth Evans 

Matthew Barley

©BBC Philharmonic / Jon Super







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Salford Tales Part 2

Following the successful collaboration with the BBC Philharmonic on the Salford Tales project, it was suggested that we repeat the exercise with a live performance for the launch of Media City. This event was also broadcast live on BBC Radio Manchester Thursday 16th June 2011 at 8pm.

After the performance there was a question and answer session with some of the people whose stories were incorporated within "Salford Tales". Also on the panel were Di Sherlock (Writer), Martin Maris (Producer), Mathew Barley (Musical Director), Paul Turner (BBC Philharmonic) and some members of the cast.

The Cast: Craig Cheetham, Briony O'Callaghan, Peter Ash, Ruth Evans and Stephen Hoyle




Ruth Evans, Stephen Hoyle, Di Sherlock, Mathew Barley, Craig Cheetham, Martin Maris, Briony O'Callaghan and Craig Cheetham

©BBC Philharmonic / Jon Super