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Sunday 30th March 2025 at 5pm

St Paul's Church, Moor Lane, Kersal Moor, Salford, M7 3WX

Conductor - Katherine Stonham

Leader -  Jon Henderson

 Soloists - Anna Mullaney and Liza Mullaney

Mozart - The Magic Flute Overture

Mozart - Sinfonia Concertante for violin and viola

Schubert - Symphony no.9 Great C major


   NB: The Orchestra reserves the right to change the programme and venue according to the availability of music, venue and players.


Katherine Stonham 

Originally from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Katherine is a graduate of the GRNCM/MusB 'Joint Course', run between the Royal Northern College of Music and the University of Manchester, where she studied violin with Julia Hanson and conducting with Robert Guy. She graduated from the University of Manchester with a first-class honours degree in July 2020 and was awarded the GRNCM diploma in July 2021.
Katherine’s conducting experience ranges from symphonic repertoire to wind orchestras and chamber choirs. She was musical director of the Crosby Capriol Singers for three years, before taking up the post of principal conductor with the Huddersfield Philharmonic Orchestra in May 2022. She also works regularly as a guest conductor with groups including the Cheltenham Chamber Orchestra, New Bristol Sinfonia, Wrexham Symphony Orchestra, Salford Symphony Orchestra, Solway Sinfonia and Orchestra of Square Chapel in Halifax. Since September 2023 she has been the conducting tutor for South West Music School and South West Youth Orchestra. Katherine is the founder and principal conductor of the Manchester Philharmonic Orchestra, a dynamic new amateur orchestra based in south Manchester.
In July 2021, Katherine performed at the Buxton International Festival, where she conducted three performances of Jonathan Dove's community opera 'The Enchanted Pig'. Following this, she was selected to participate in a masterclass at the Royal Opera House, working on excerpts from Mozart's 'Le Nozze di Figaro'. She has also worked as an assistant conductor with Heritage Opera (‘Cosi Fan Tutte’, June 2019) and the West of England Youth Orchestra (January 2019), and participated in masterclasses with the BBC Philharmonic (September 2019) and the Dartington International Summer School (August 2023). From September 2024 - July 2025 she is being mentored by David Temple through the Crouch End Festival Chorus young conductors scheme. Conductors she has attended masterclasses with include Jonathan Mann, Alice Farnham, Sian Edwards, Jessica Cottis, Mark Heron and Clark Rundell.
Katherine is an experienced teacher and works regularly for Music And Performing Arts Salford (MAPAS), delivering individual, whole class and ensemble tuition for schools across the city.